HART was beaten during the linkage tax issue during 1986, they lost a lawsuit from Hispanic members that stopped developers from improving the Frog Hollow Community and their president Ron Cretaro had left. Jackie Fongemie became the new president of…
Rent strikes that took place in Harlem, NYC have begun to have their effects here in Hartford; NECAP members have sent representatives to study the "HARLEM PLAN" that virtually legalizes rent strikes. The public is tired of lousy landlords and poor…
Sixteen tenants who have not paid their rent are facing eviction. The landlord believes that NECAP has failed to live up to their agreement (checks from the State Welfare Dept. were returned to the state or held by a bondsman until the strike was…
NECAP causes landlords to lose his tenants due to rent strikes. Some tenants preffered moving over getting involved with NECAP, the landlord's lawyer spoke. The rent strike, that had previously ended, made the landlord agree to make repairs in the…
The Black Housing League whoch consists of 15 families from the North End, invites all Greater Hartford tenants to join them in a rent strike in June.The strike is to ensure that Hartford inspects all issues to ensure they are following housing…
Following a city inspection, a landlord was ordered to make reuired repairs in two of his buildings. The landlord appeals this order but tenant protestors demanded that the landlord makes these repairs. If the landlord does not comply, further legal…
This article concerns housing inequality; the president of the Maryland Association of Real Estate Boards says that individual property owners, regardless of race, color, or creed, must be allowed under law to retain the right to determine…
The sleep-in with 200 people taking place at city hall, that was a demand for better housing, finally ends. These attempts came to an end when the city provided a written agreement promising five lease-housing rentals.
Mayor Glynn says that housing codes can be used to combat lousy landlords, and not withholding rents of recipients living in dangerous housing. He discusses how strict enforcement and ordinacnes can be more beneficial than a rent strike.