Asylum Hill Inc. sponsors a "rental data bank" that provides monthly information on rating, size, price, parking, and location for apartments available.
Residents who face home security problems form a Tenants Association that will serve as a liaison between residents and the building's management. They called public meetings to establish priorities to discuss and even proposed possible…
The 9-story elderly housing opens after a 3-month delay. This high-demand apartment has 20 vacancies left, and requires tenants to be older than 62. It features multiple accessible features and obeys housing codes.
The first annual accountability session discusses housing and tenancy. Specifically, a full-time person has been assigned to implement programs that include strict housing code enforcements, repairs and rehabilitation, and individual assistance to…
Public Safety is a rising issue amongst residents in Asylum Hill. Scooter and foot patrols have been announced, while street lights have been proposed. In addition, K-9s are being added to gaurd training.
AH, residents have had a series of meetings where they came up with a range of issues to prioritize. This includes problems of housing and tenancy that will be addressed by working to develop social functions, make home improvements, and educate…
UCONN students conduct a housing survey on residents, asking them about home safety, conditions, and other resident concerns. Asylum Hill plans to devise action plans based on this data.
The Organization AHI is working on objectives and plans for the upcoming year. The section also mention the formation of the resident group Asylum Hill People.