Twenty tenants of 48-50 Forest Street met with representatives from the Hartford Capital Fund, building owners, and Invest Management Company (IMG) to address security, health, and maintenance concerns. The tenants had previously outlined their…
Rent strikes that took place in Harlem, NYC have begun to have their effects here in Hartford; NECAP members have sent representatives to study the "HARLEM PLAN" that virtually legalizes rent strikes. The public is tired of lousy landlords and poor…
UCONN students conduct a housing survey on residents, asking them about home safety, conditions, and other resident concerns. Asylum Hill plans to devise action plans based on this data.
The Organization AHI is working on objectives and plans for the upcoming year. The section also mention the formation of the resident group Asylum Hill People.
Public Safety is a rising issue amongst residents in Asylum Hill. Scooter and foot patrols have been announced, while street lights have been proposed. In addition, K-9s are being added to gaurd training.
A frustrated resident called the AH office with her housing complains that were never heard. Despite AHI's efforts for neighborhood improvement, there remain a number of unaddressed problems. The article urges residents to join groups and expand…
Community residents are drafting zone change ordinances to transition from commercial to residential zoning, aiming to preserve the absent residential characteristics of the community.
The South End is a classic streetcar suburb characterized by extensive residential development, initially established to accommodate ethnic communities from Southern and Eastern Europe. Originally housing residents from the Old East Side, which is…